Compare Internet Providers in 41173 Soldier, KY

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Manuel Cama

Written by Manuel Cama - Pub. Feb. 27, 2023 / Updated Jul. 3, 2024

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Over 0 people in Soldier found the best Internet Provider with Compare Internet

Top 3 Internet Providers in Soldier, KY

$200 rewards card!
DSL Internet
Area Coverage
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
Plans Starting at $40/mo. for 12mos.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Windstream Deals for December 2024 in Soldier, KY

Windstream Internet is available in Soldier, KY. The company offers residents download speeds up to 100 Mbps, and prices range up to $40 /mo. for 12mos.
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
High Speed InternetDSL InternetUp to 100 Mbps Only $40/mo. for 12mos.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order Windstream Internet for Soldier, KY

$100 Gift Card! Free Professional Installation!
Satellite Internet
100.00% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 150 Mbps
Plans Starting at $99.99/w No Annual Contract.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Viasat Deals for December 2024 in Soldier, KY

Viasat Internet is available in Soldier, KY. The company offers residents download speeds up to 150 Mbps, and prices range up to $99.99 /w No Annual Contract.
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
Viasat UnleashedSatellite InternetUp to 150 Mbps Only $99.99/w No Annual Contract.
$100 Gift Card! Free Professional Installation!
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order Viasat Internet for Soldier, KY

$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate!
Satellite Internet
100.00% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
Plans Starting at $49.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

HughesNet Deals for December 2024 in Soldier, KY

HughesNet Internet is available in Soldier, KY. The company offers residents download speeds from 50 to up to 100 Mbps, and prices range from $49.99 to $94.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
FusionSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps Only $94.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
Elite 200GBSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps Only $64.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
Select 100GBSatellite InternetUp to 50 Mbps Only $49.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order HughesNet Internet for Soldier, KY

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Soldier, KY
Residential Internet Stats

In the city of Soldier, KY, you should have access to roughly Internet service providers (ISP’s), Windstream is the largest provider in the area, with service available to a majority of households. If you have any questions, or need help getting your Internet setup, please feel free to contact one of our helpful customer service representatives today!
Compare Internet Stats in Soldier, KY

Internet access in Soldier, KY

The average download speed in Soldier, KY is 100 Mbps. This is faster than the national average of 64 Mbps.
Internet rates for Soldier, KY residents start at $40 per month.
There are 5 different Internet service provider (ISP) options in Soldier, KY.

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Online Gaming
Smart Home Devices
Streaming Video
Browsing & Email

Target speed: 50 Mbps

With multiple users in the house, you need a little wiggle room in your bandwidth. 50 Mbps will support all your web browsing and social media.

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Soldier , KY

Number of Fixed Residential Broadband Providers
Data from FCC Broadband Deployment

Compare all Internet service providers in Soldier, KY

The leading Internet service provider (ISP) in Soldier, KY is Windstream DSL Internet. Download speeds up to 100 Mbps have been reported in Soldier, KY. Internet service plans start as low as $40 per month.
ProviderConnectionMax DownloadContact
WindstreamDSL InternetUp to 100 Mbps 1-833-718-3922
ViasatSatellite InternetUp to 150 Mbps 1-833-440-3543
HughesNetSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps 1-844-534-0585