Compare Internet Providers in 48206 Detroit, MI

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Madali Cordero

Written by Madali Cordero - Pub. Feb. 27, 2023 / Updated Jul. 3, 2024

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Over 17,563 people in Detroit found the best Internet Provider with Compare Internet
Fiber Internet
100.00% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 5 Gbps (5,000 Mbps)
Plans Starting at $55/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

AT&T Deals for December 2024 in Detroit, MI

AT&T Internet is available in Detroit, MI. The company offers residents download speeds from 300 to up to 5000 Mbps, and prices range from $55 to $245/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
AT&T FIBER - INTERNET 5000Fiber InternetUp to 5,000 Mbps †† Only $245*/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
Additional $50 Reward Card with promo code HOLIDAY50 at checkout or when you call in to order.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Read more
AT&T FIBER - INTERNET 2000Fiber InternetUp to 2,000 Mbps Only $145*/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
Additional $50 Reward Card with promo code HOLIDAY50 at checkout or when you call in to order.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Read more
AT&T FIBER - INTERNET 1000Fiber InternetUp to 1,000 Mbps Only $80*/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
Additional $50 Reward Card with promo code HOLIDAY50 at checkout or when you call in to order.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Read more
AT&T FIBER - INTERNET 500Fiber InternetUp to 500 Mbps Only $65*/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
Additional $50 Reward Card with promo code HOLIDAY50 at checkout or when you call in to order.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Read more
AT&T FIBER - INTERNET 300Fiber InternetUp to 300 Mbps Only $55*/mo. w/ No Annual Contract
Additional $50 Reward Card with promo code HOLIDAY50 at checkout or when you call in to order.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Read more

Order AT&T Internet for Detroit, MI

Cable Internet
66.04% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 1.2 Gbps (1,200 Mbps)
Plans Starting at $20/mo. for 12mos. /w No Annual Contract
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Xfinity Deals for December 2024 in Detroit, MI

Xfinity Internet is available in Detroit, MI. The company offers residents download speeds from 75 to up to 1200 Mbps, and prices range from $20 to $80/mo. for 24mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt.
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
GIGABIT 1200 MbpsCable InternetUp to 1,200 Mbps Only $80/mo. for 24mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
GIGABIT 1000 MbpsCable InternetUp to 1,000 Mbps Only $70/mo. for 24mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
SUPERFAST 800 MbpsCable InternetUp to 800 Mbps Only $60/mo. for 24mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
FAST 400 MbpsCable InternetUp to 400 Mbps Only $35/mo. for 24mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
CONNECT MORECable InternetUp to 200 Mbps Only $25/mo. /w No Annual Contract
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
CONNECTCable InternetUp to 75 Mbps Only $20/mo. for 12mos. /w No Annual Contract
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order Xfinity Internet for Detroit, MI

$100 Gift Card! Free Professional Installation!
Satellite Internet
100.00% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 150 Mbps
Plans Starting at $99.99/w No Annual Contract.
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Viasat Deals for December 2024 in Detroit, MI

Viasat Internet is available in Detroit, MI. The company offers residents download speeds up to 150 Mbps, and prices range up to $99.99 /w No Annual Contract.
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
Viasat UnleashedSatellite InternetUp to 150 Mbps Only $99.99/w No Annual Contract.
$100 Gift Card! Free Professional Installation!
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order Viasat Internet for Detroit, MI

$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate!
Satellite Internet
100.00% Area Coverage
Speeds up to 100 Mbps
Plans Starting at $49.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

HughesNet Deals for December 2024 in Detroit, MI

HughesNet Internet is available in Detroit, MI. The company offers residents download speeds from 50 to up to 100 Mbps, and prices range from $49.99 to $94.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
PlanService TypeDownload SpeedMonthly Price
FusionSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps Only $94.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
Elite 200GBSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps Only $64.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.
Select 100GBSatellite InternetUp to 50 Mbps Only $49.99/mo. for 12mos. w/ 2yr. Agmt
$100 Prepaid Card Via Rebate
*Offers and availability may vary by location and are subject to change.

Order HughesNet Internet for Detroit, MI

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Detroit, MI
Residential Internet Stats

In the city of Detroit, MI, you should have access to roughly Internet service providers (ISP’s), AT&T is the largest provider in the area, with service available to a majority of households. If you have any questions, or need help getting your Internet setup, please feel free to contact one of our helpful customer service representatives today!
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Find Detroit Internet Providers with the Best Deals

Any city that hosts both the Motown Museum and the Henry Ford Museum has got some serious moxie. But here in Detroit, we know that’s just the beginning of what makes life in Motor City so unique. We’re right across the river from Canada, for one thing. The live music scene  is out of this world. And with 4 major sports teams downtown (NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB), it’s a sports fan’s paradise. Detroit was recently ranked as the top emerging ecosystem for tech startups, so you know there’s a lot of digital power coming to Motor City! So if you’re looking for internet providers in Detroit, you’re going to have some great options.

Are you relocating to Detroit and seeking an ISP, or just looking for a great internet deal that’s fast and reliable? Either way, this guide will give you the low-down on top Detroit internet providers.

Here, you can compare plans, prices, and internet speeds. Learn specifics about different internet technologies and how each one will support the things you need to do online. Figure out your budget preferences, and how much speed you want. You’ve come to the right place to choose the best home internet providers in Detroit.

Types of Internet Services in Detroit

To start with, you’ll need to know which type of internet services are available in your neighborhood. Detroit internet providers can offer several different technologies, depending on what infrastructure serves your address. So whether you live in Bagley, Corktown, Downtown, East English Village, Midtown, New Center, or Jefferson-Chalmers, you should have some great internet choices.

Here are the internet types to consider.

DSL Internet

DSL is a relatively outdated internet technology that was first developed in the 90s. It uses copper wiring, which means it's slower than cable or fiber-optic connections, yet still ten times faster than dial-up speed. Despite this slow speed, many people must use DSL when there isn't any other option available to them, as no cable or fiber infrastructure services their home.

Cable Internet

Cable internet sends your online data via the same wires that deliver cable TV. Improvements to this technology have been a monumental success; sometimes, you can get download speeds just as fast as with fiber-optic connections! That being said, when it comes to uploads, always remember cable will be much slower than what you'd receive from fiber.

Fiber Internet

Fiber internet stands out from other types of connections due to its unique fiber optic lines that rapidly send data through pulses of light. As opposed to non-fiber networks, this tech is remarkable because it offers symmetrical download and upload speeds - both will be equally fast.

Fiber internet boasts exceptionally swift upload rates, making activities such as multiplayer gaming and videoconferencing feel seamless. However, the most powerful fiber plans are expensive. Be sure you consider your data needs before deciding on a plan, so you get what's necessary without spending too much. Fiber internet providers in Detroit will give several price options.

Satellite Internet

If you live further away from the center of Detroit and you don’t have wired internet, satellite internet might be your best bet. Although satellite is slower than cable and fiber-optic broadband, it can sometimes catch up with DSL depending on their respective speeds. With this technology, you’ll still be able to do standard web activities without any problems. Additionally, satellite service has great coverage and dependability as all homes that have a clear view of the southern sky are eligible for this type of internet access.

Satellite internet may involve certain levels of latency, or a slight signal delay. Although this usually doesn't interfere with regular online activities, it can lead to lag in video conferencing and gaming applications. HughesNet has recently introduced the revolutionary low-latency satellite service - HughesNet Fusion - which eliminates much of this issue. However, it is also important to note that satellite internet plans have monthly data allowances. Thus, understanding how data caps work is essential before signing up for a provider's services!

Top Internet Providers in Detroit

Overall Best Internet Provider in Detroit

Xfinity (cable) stands out as best overall provider in Detroit for its combination of speed (up to 1200 Mbps), availability (98% of the city) and pricing ($20/month for up to 50 Mbps).

Fastest Internet Provider in Detroit

AT&T Fiber will give you the fastest symmetrical internet speeds, with up to 5000 Mbps for both upload and download speeds. That speed is at the cutting-edge of the fiber industry and certainly the fastest among Detroit internet providers.

Most Affordable Internet Provider in Detroit

Again, Xfinity stands out here as the most affordable provider with their very affordable opportunity for home internet up to 50 Mbps at only $20 per month.

Best Satellite Provider in Detroit

HughesNet’s speed meets the minimum FCC requirement for high-speed internet at 25 Mbps download, 3 Mbps upload. If your only available wired service is DSL, you may find that the HughesNet speed is better for you than DSL. The best idea is to ask neighbors who have DSL and see if they have tested their real internet speed (not the advertised “up to” speed). Use those numbers to see whether HughesNet or DSL will be faster.

FAQs: Internet Choices in Detroit

How fast should my internet speed be?

Confused about the speed you need for your internet? Ask yourself two questions: What activities will you be primarily using the internet for and how many people in your household will use it? If there are multiple users doing data-intensive tasks such as gaming or HD streaming, then a faster connection would be necessary. Test your current internet speed here.

If you’re living solo or with one to two others and primarily browse the web, 25 Mbps download/3 Mbps upload should suffice. However, if your job requires remote working along with a lot of video calls, 50-100 Mbps download speed and 12Mbps plus for upload speed is recommended. And if multiple devices are being used concurrently - such as gaming consoles, HD streaming services etc., then cable or fiber speeds of no less than 100-300 Mbps would be appropriate.

What internet speed do I need for remote work?

If you work remotely, your speed requirements vary depending on what type of tasks you usually do. If your job involves frequent videoconferencing and/or large file uploads such as video or graphics, then consider fiber for faster download speeds (at least 100 Mbps) and more efficient upload speeds (at least 10 Mbps). For audio calls that don't require extensive data transfer over a network, 25 Mbps download/3Mbps upload should be enough; however some employers may have even lower speed demands if the remote work is customer service-oriented.

How fast should my internet be for multiplayer gaming?

If you want the perfect gaming session, both your upload and download speed need to be fast. For multiplayer gaming, latency should also remain under 40 milliseconds or there could be serious lag issues that impede gameplay. Fiber internet is undoubtedly your best option if multiple gamers are using it in one household; however, many cable service providers can still provide a satisfactory experience for those who don't have access to fiber optics.

How can I get low-cost or free internet in Detroit?

Having high-speed internet at home is becoming more and more important to help people apply for jobs, pursue education, and even see their doctors from home.. As recently as 2016, Detroit was cited by the New York Times as having the worst rate of internet access in America. The infrastructure is available, but many lower-income people cannot afford a plan. Fortunately, household internet subscriptions have improved somewhat since then according to the U.S. Census.

Competing statistics from other groups show that there is still a serious digital divide remaining in Detroit. Fortunately, the federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) of 2022 now helps more people get high speed internet at home.

The Affordable Connectivity Plan offers qualified applicants support of $30/month toward an internet plan. With Xfinity’s low-cost plan, a lower-income household could have free internet by using their subsidy. Find out if you qualify for the ACP here.

If you’re in Detroit and you need immediate access to free Wi-Fi or a computer or laptop, don’t forget that you can visit the Detroit Public Library. A new city initiative is also installing free public Wi-Fi in city parks.


Internet access in Detroit, MI

The average download speed in Detroit, MI is 778 Mbps. This is faster than the national average of 64 Mbps.
Internet rates for Detroit, MI residents start at $20 per month.
There are 5 different Internet service provider (ISP) options in Detroit, MI.

Which speed do I need?

Tell us what you use Internet for

How many users?

Online Gaming
Smart Home Devices
Streaming Video
Browsing & Email

Target speed: 50 Mbps

With multiple users in the house, you need a little wiggle room in your bandwidth. 50 Mbps will support all your web browsing and social media.

Your current Internet speed:


Find 50 Mbps Internet speed near you

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Detroit , MI

Number of Fixed Residential Broadband Providers
Data from FCC Broadband Deployment

Compare all Internet service providers in Detroit, MI

The leading Internet service provider (ISP) in Detroit, MI is AT&T Fiber Internet. Download speeds up to 5000 Mbps have been reported in Detroit, MI. Internet service plans start as low as $55 per month.
ProviderConnectionMax DownloadContact
AT&TFiber InternetUp to 5,000 Mbps 1-833-440-3189
XfinityCable InternetUp to 1,200 Mbps 1-833-440-3175
ViasatSatellite InternetUp to 150 Mbps 1-833-440-3539
HughesNetSatellite InternetUp to 100 Mbps 1-833-440-3180